reinforcement mats
2017-01-12|Kategoria: Specjalizacja / Inne Usługi

Perfopol has got a very wide experience in production and sale of high quality, special elements made of metal. These metal items are good for use in construction, production and other industries. For example, the offer of this firm includes solid reinforcement mats made of mild or stainless steel. These mats are produced on the basis of welded meshes. Solid steel wires are resistant to wear, damage and other negative factors, so their level of protection is very high in different applications.

Different types of mats for different customers

This offer includes many types and sizes of reinforcement mats, so they match different applications and meet different requirements of international customers. Of course clients are allowed to order standard types of products and they can also order realization of individual projects according to supplied documentation. All tasks of this type are being performed fast and with care. Experienced workers use the best and modern technologies.

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